Egyik legkedvesebb élményem volt a Karolina Idrisovával történt találkozás.
A Pressburg Dance Fest záró gálaműsorában rengeteg szlovák és cseh lánnyal táncoltunk együtt közösen egy beledi + shaabi koreográfiát. Ennek a koreográfusa Karolina volt, így kerültünk kapcsolatba.
(A workshopról már olvashattátok a tavalyi cikkemet itt:
Élveztem a szuper kombinációkat, a könnyed hangvételű koreót, az izgalmas kombinációkat. Megfogott Karolina oktatási tapasztalata, pedagógiai képességei és az a lendület, amivel kitalálta, megrendezte, színpadra vitte a táncot, az a lelkesedés, amivel instruált minket, táncosokat.
Már akkor tudtam, hogy interjút készítek majd vele a PDF-en.
Így is lett, alább olvashatjátok a beszélgetésünket.
Mahasti: - Karolina, the first time we met personally this year on Pressburg Dance Fest (, though I'v been following you and your dance activity for some years. I would like to say a big "thank you" for the choreography we danced in the international group on the Gala Show of PDF. The choreography was so happy, full of positive energy as you are in life. I enjoyed very much working with you. It was a BIG BIG FUN for me. I got to know you as a happy, fiery woman, energetic dancer, creative choreographer and a fantastic, patient teacher.
Karolina Idrisová: - It´s an honor to have you as a part of our Pressburg Dance Fest in Bratislava! And it is even a bigger honor to learn about the impression of my work on you :-)
Mahasti: -
Maybe in Hungary
there are some belly dancers who still doesn't know you. Please, tell us some
words about yourself, your life, your connection with belly dance. Where are
you from, how did you explored belly dance for yourself, what does it mean to
you, which styles do you dance, what are your favourite styles, what is your
"motto" in dance, in life, in teaching.
Karolina: - Talking about yourself is never easy, I guess. But here is a blurb that I have written about myself:
The world of Raks Sharqi swept me
off my feet in 2000. My newfound obsession resulted in awards obtained as a
solo dancer in several festivals, such as Nile Group in Cairo in 2008.
While I am immensely proud of the
prizes and recognition, I have found a satisfaction that extends beyond cabaret
style of oriental dancing. Having been raised as a folkloric dancer since I was
a nine-year-old girl in Indonesia, the pull to go beyond the cabaret glitz of
oriental dance was irresistible.
I have been lucky enough early in
my career to have worked with the representatives of two known folkloric dance
Reda Troupe and Kaomeya Troupe. While Mahmoud Reda and Farida Fahmy were truly
inspiring, I will be forever grateful to Mohamed Kazafy and Osama Emam, for
honing my skills in the field of Egyptian folkloric dances.
Currently, I teach regular
classes in Prague and workshops in various corners of the dance world. I have
found my own dance troupe Matahari Group in 2007. And in 2014 I have cooperated
with Elena Dahabeya and Mohamed Kazafy to form the first ever Kazafy Troupe in
Czech Republic.
On a more personal note – I am a
hopeless globe-trotter who has lived across three continents of the world, a
writer and a big fan of yoga.
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Karolina's group on PDF |
Mahasti: -
Maybe you could tell us some words about your school and your students... As
far as I know they had beautiful results in the PDF Competition this year.
Karolina: - Yes,
my group has won several prizes in the Pressburg Dance Festival 2014. And yes,
I am very proud of Matahari Group that has been receiving awards in festivals.
One of our most treasured prizes is the gold medal from Nile Group in Cairo.
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The Jury (with Karolina Idrisová and Shaba) |
Mahasti: - Please tell us about your "story" with PDF and Hafla Girls. How did you meet them, have you worked together? Who has invited you, how did you find out your ws topics? Have you participated in PDF before?
Karolina: - I have
met Halka Tytykalova, one of the main organizer of Pressburg Dance Fest,
several years ago in a professional educational program for oriental dancers
where I was teaching. Halka is a keen learner and a very active lady. It didn´t
take long before she decided to organize an oriental dance event in Bratislava. I was invited
to become the event´s mentor and the head of jury.
Mahasti: - What
are your most important impressions about PDF? How was the competition for you
(long, difficult, high level, interesting, anything...) What were your
favourite moments from the 3 days of PDF, what did you liked the most?
Karolina: - There
are many oriental dance events and festivals nowadays. I have taken a part in
many of these festivals in Europe and have
come to one conclusion. The quality of the festivals is not always determined
by the large size of the event and the amount of the teachers. In fact, I have
learned that many times the smaller festivals offer a friendlier atmosphere, a
larger opportunity to learn and meet other people, than the flashy events. And
that is exactly what Pressburg Dance Fest offers!
Mahasti: - My
students enjoyed your workshops and they are happy to meet you, too. They -
just like me - enjoyed your dance, your choreography, your style, your
teaching, happyness, and - to tell you the truth - they were really tired and
really sweaty in the end - but very happy. Can you tell us some words about
your ws-s?
Karolina: - I was
teaching baladi-shabi in my last workshop in Pressburg Dance Fest 2014. It´s
wonderful to read your feedback, since this is one of my favorite teaching
subjects. Many of the workshop participants didn´t know much about this style,
which made it even more worthwhile for me to teach it.
Mahasti: - You
are also an organiser of a big and famous festival - Let's Dance in Prague. Please, tell us
about it - how often do you organise it, when will be the next one, who is it for, from which countries are the participants, who are the
main guests and so on...
Karolina: - Yes, for many years I have been organizing
Let´s Dance festival in Prague.
I have also founded the Dance of Love event. However, times change :-) I am now dedicating more of my time to the
troupes that I am leading (Matahari Group and Kazafy Troupe), to the
educational oriental dance programs (Orient Art Club), and obviously to
Pressburg Dance Fest. So I am looking forward to seeing all of you in
Bratislave at the end of September :-)
Mahasti: - Karolina, thank you very much! See you soon in Bratislava, PDF 2015!
Behind the scenes...
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