Interjú Tereza Sheyla Klementovával,
a Hastáncoktatók és professzionális táncosok 5. konferenciájának szervezőjével
(2017.01.14., Brünn, Csehország)
Ez az interjú angol nyelven készült, az előző bejegyzésemhez kapcsolódva.A konferenciáról itt olvashatsz: (Abban a bejegyzésben oroszul számoltam be a konferencia programjáról, a szakmai tapasztalatokról.)
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Tereza Sheyla Klementová |
Mahasti: - Sheyla, this is the fifth conference you organize. Can you tell us about how it came to your mind to organise this conference for the first time? What was your main goal with it?
Sheyla: - There were many reasons for creating this
event and it was in my mind for about 2 years before I organized it. That time
was needed to find a concept and the whole idea. One of the reasons was that in
Oriental dance we don’t have any association who would act like kind of panel
of experts, someting what we can see in ballet and other styles. Other reason
was that we have classes, choreography workshops and so on, but we had no event
to actually focus on our softskills, on open discussion about sometimes
painfull subjects, because there are so many important subjects in dance comunity
which had to be discussed but weren’t – not publicly. This is where I saw the
biggest improvement for myself and the community. There were more reasons which
supported the whole idea and of course one of them was to bring the community
together on one place at the same time and talk openly. This was really huge
improvement and one of the most important for me, because I can now say that
relationships we are having in our community is really strong and unique.
Mahasti: - In your
presentation you mentioned that if you want to be a famous or well known
bellydancer you should organize different events, for example conferences. But
I don't think this was your main aim when you decided to do it. :-)
Sheyla: - Oh actually this might be lost in translation J My last presentation was exaggeration over the things what dancers might think will make them famous but it can actually do the opposite. For example with organizing an event there are always two sides too. Some dancers think that when they organize a festival, it will bring them fame, because people will see them next to famous teachers – that can happen for sure, but if you are a bad organizer, you can do the opposite, people can be upset with your organization and also I know organizers who didn’t want to pay to artists for what they agreed and so on. So it is important to be careful with this “big eyes” starving for fame, it should not be pushed over ones limit J I support everyone to organize events, starting the small haflas, studio shows and so on and on. If you do it for a good cause, for community and it makes you happy it can eventually bring fame, but most important is that people around you become happy and that is how you create a healthy community.
Mahasti: - When was the first conference you
organized? Has it changed a lot since that time? I mean the goals, the
organising tasks, the function of the conference, the participants etc.
Sheyla: - It changed actually very much from first to
a second conference. Because, the first was kind of testing pilot J I did not know what to expect and what results will be but 80 teachers
signed in to participate! I was very surprised and you could see the need of
this event. First edition was more about discussion together over the main
problems we could see and there only few speakers and this conference was only
for an afternoon not the whole day like it is now. We have talked about level
of knowledge, about possible association, about ethics. There were of course
also mistakes or parts which did not worked out, but that is obvious when you
bring something new. Next year I learned more and I did time slosts with more
speakers, each with time for discussion over the subject. I always pick
subjects which are more actual and needed. The last change I did was that I
invite one speaker not from dance community so once we had a professional coach
and last time nutrition specialists. It was really refreshing. Every year I try
to listen to our community, what they need and what they like. Usually the same
people are coming every year and some new are coming as well. I also added the
special vegan catering, which is just delicious, so when you come in the
morning, you stay the whole day, having lectures, discussions, coffee breaks
and awesome lunch J
Mahasti: - Who are the participants of the conference?
You say in the title that it's for professional dancers and teachers. Which of
them are more in the conference?
Sheyla: - Originally we opened it only for teachers and performers, who teach classes, workshops and perform profesionally. But later on we opened it for eveyrone doing oriental dance even students as many subjects in later editions were good for them too and also we had many requests from them to join us.
Mahasti: - What do
they say, why they participate in it? I think, everybody wants to develop
his/her knowledge in dancing and teaching, but not eveybody goes to a
conference for that.
Sheyla: - We did some feedback survey after each conference so we have quite a lot of data J And most repeated word was „inspiration“, then „motivation“ and „knowledge“. It also became a social event, you want to be there and learn what is possible. We have variety of lectures so sometimes you learn from each of them and sometimes it inspires you to organize some event or to improve your teaching. I think everyone takes away what they need at that time J
Sheyla: - We did some feedback survey after each conference so we have quite a lot of data J And most repeated word was „inspiration“, then „motivation“ and „knowledge“. It also became a social event, you want to be there and learn what is possible. We have variety of lectures so sometimes you learn from each of them and sometimes it inspires you to organize some event or to improve your teaching. I think everyone takes away what they need at that time J
Mahasti: - What was the most popular topic in the
conference this year and during the 6 years of organising? This year I
recognised that in this conference there were hot emotions around the topic
about the author rights.
Sheyla: - Oh true! Copyrights and authorship were really big subject and I was thinking of it as a highlight this year. Important is that if we want to work as community and we want new songs and quality photos we need to contribute back. We need to take care of authorship and paying for songs for example. If not, we are destroying the community. There were so many subjects, we had also marketing, graphic design, ethic, health, pregancy, promotion, organizing of festival... so many. It is very individual what is popular to each of participants J I think everyone finds something on each edition of conference.
Mahasti: - Have you
always measured the success of the conference, the results? Have you always
done the statistics or only this was the first occasion you made it?
Sheyla: - I do the feedback survey every year so I am
more clear about how participants view each lector, subject and what they would
like for next year. There is always something to improve so we can grow!
Mahasti: - How do
you choose the topics every year? Maybe you ask about it the belly dance
community and they make a wish list?
Sheyla: - When you are part of the community you know what is a hot subject recently J So I usually know what to pick and also I always give a note on Facebook so anyone can suggest a subject. Also lecturers are suggesting the subjects for their lectures and we are trying to choose the best ones.
Sheyla: - When you are part of the community you know what is a hot subject recently J So I usually know what to pick and also I always give a note on Facebook so anyone can suggest a subject. Also lecturers are suggesting the subjects for their lectures and we are trying to choose the best ones.
Mahasti: - How do
you choose the persenters, lecturers? The participants ask you to invite
somebody or do you have the collegues who you know and trust and there are
always the same lecturers with different topics?
Sheyla: - Mostly I know them personally because I want to make sure they will do the great lecture which participants will like and enjoy. That is the main goal. For me is the personal experience the most valuable.
Sheyla: - Mostly I know them personally because I want to make sure they will do the great lecture which participants will like and enjoy. That is the main goal. For me is the personal experience the most valuable.
Mahasti: - What was
the main conclusion of the conference for you, as an organiser this year? And
what was the main conclusion for the participants?
Sheyla: - On the first place it would be some kind of assurance that I am doing the right thing with the conference. That we can bring a great program every year and participants are having such a nice feedback. When I see there is a meaning in what I am doing it is always the biggest achievement for me. Also I always see something what can be done better next time, so it is also challenging me to not get too much comfortable and keep making it better every time. I already mentioned a feedback we get from participants and I would say they come for isnpiration, for socializing and I hope they find something usefull in every lecture.
Mahasti: - You made
very interesting and all-round statistics about the bellydance community, belly
dancers, belly dance life in Czech Republic and Slovakia. What about to make
the same statistics in Hungary and in more Europian countries int he future? It
would be very interesting to look behind the statistics in every Europian
Sheyla: - Yes definitely! But I think in my case I have an advantage of knowing the community in Czech and Slovak so I can more understand the results from it and I am not sure if I could really analyze the whole Europe as every country is specific and would need suitable questions. It is really nice idea and we could think of it in future if we get so ambicious J But I am ready to support anyone willing to do it in their country!
Mahasti: - Have you
got the date for the 6th conference? Can we save the date now? - (If there is
anything what you think important you can add any topic, questions, answers,
Sheyla: - Yes! It is 28th January 2018 and it was
revealed recently a big surprise this year, cos it will be connected to my
other huge event I do and it is Tales of Sahara, the international festival I
do every year in Brno! So it will be busy 3 days ending with the 6th conference
J You are very welcomed to join!
More informations about the festival you can read here:
More informations about the festival you can read here:
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Mahasti and Sheyla, 14.01.2017., Brno, Czech |
Mahasti Hastánc - Szívvel-Lélekkel
Szívvel-Lélekkel Stúdió, Cím: Budapest, IX. kerület., Bokréta utca 12. Fszt. 2.
Programok, fellépések, versenyek, zsűrizések, oktatás
2017. október 28. Lélek Labirintus - Táncszínház, fellép Mahasti és a Holdfény Lányai
2017. november 11. Élő dobos workshop Dunaharasztiban, oktat: Mahasti és Balage
2017. november 18-19. WS hétvége Mahastival és a Holdfény Lányaival
2017. november 24. II. Alice Bellydance Jótékonysági Táncest
2017. december 2-3 Bellydancer of the World, Duisburg
2017. december 9. IV. Női Szépség és Egészség Napja
2018. február 11. XII. Holdfény Lányai Páros és Csoportos Nemzetközi Hastáncverseny
2018. augusztus 17-20. Mahasti Hastánctábor, Erőmerítő Jógatábor
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